Why is Anti-static container bag popular?
If you often use the container, then you will find the container is also constantly introducing new products, as far as we know, there is a product called Anti-static container bag, now popular.
If you often use the container, then you will find the container is also constantly introducing new products, as far as we know, there is a product called Anti-static container bag, now popular.
FIBC bags are often used everywhere in our lives. Many industries use FIBC bags to transport things. Although the container price is not high, because of improper use and other issues, sometimes still damage occurs. How do you deal with the damaged container? Throw away too wasteful, in fact, as long as the appropriate sewing, FIBC bags can still…
የኮንቴይነር ቦርሳ ቶን ቦርሳ በመባልም ይታወቃል, የጅምላ ቁሳቁስ ቦርሳዎች ነው, በመጓጓዣ ውስጥ ትልቅ ሚና አለው. በልዩ የምርት ሂደቱ ምክንያት የእቃ መያዣ ቦርሳ, የቁሳቁስን ክብደት በሚሸከሙበት ጊዜ ግልጽ የሆነ መስፈርት አለው, ስለዚህ ቁሳቁሶችን በሚይዝበት ጊዜ ተስማሚ መያዣ ቦርሳ መምረጥ አለበት.
FIBC bags appearance detection method is one of the important ways to determine the quality, but many users in tons of bags manufacturers to buy the time and do not know how to view, here with us together to learn more about it!
FIBC bags are different from ordinary plastic bags because his load is much larger than the ordinary packaging, so the stitching of various parts is also critical, rather than as simple as a normal plastic bag heat fit.
ብዙ አይነት የቶን ቦርሳ አለ።, በተፈጥሮ አጠቃቀም ውስጥ የተወሰነ ልዩነት ይኖረዋል; በእቃው ላይ ወይም በማራገፍ ላይ ነው, የሚለይ ይሆናል።. ዛሬ የ FIBC ቦርሳዎችን የማስወጣት ዘዴን እንመለከታለን.
The company International Trade Department warmly received its customers. The visit of customers, on the one hand, is to conduct site visits and visits to our company, on the other hand, is to talk about the two sides to achieve “aluminum foil liner” product in-depth cooperation.
The export of tons of bags, the general must first understand the size of the container, what kind of Cabinet can hold many tons of bags, I believe that many foreign trade company customers to use their own what tons of bags, how much size is not very understanding, the following by wanhengfeng tons of Bags Factory to provide…
Currently food packaging requirements have been improved, for some high-temperature food packaging must use aluminum foil bags, aluminum foil bags of food has
Life in addition to life bags and industrial bags, and when it comes to industrial packaging will mention the container bag, container bag types there are many different containers for different goods. In order to increase your understanding of the container, but also to further broaden the scope of application of the container, the container will be directed to…
The following is a brief introduction: most of the existing container bag using synthetic fiber material (such as polypropylene or polyethylene fiber material) as the container bag fabric. With this fabric bag, its firmness, flexibility, and price are very appropriate. But the biggest drawback is that this kind of fabric friction can produce static charge, use it to make…
Classification of Aluminum Liners bags:
Food Aluminum Liners bags, medicinal Aluminum Liners bags, military Aluminum Liners bags, electronic Aluminum Liners bags, health care products Aluminum Liners bags, intermediates Aluminum liners bags, vitamin Aluminum Liners bags, API Aluminum Liners bags, adhesive Aluminum Liners bags, particle Aluminum Liners bags, powder Aluminum Liners bags, powder Aluminum Liners bags, powder aluminum Liners bags,…
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