የኮንቴይነር ቦርሳውን የልብስ ስፌት ሥራ እንዴት እንደሚመለከቱ

ቶን ቦርሳ

የኮንቴይነር ቦርሳ ቶን ቦርሳ በመባልም ይታወቃል, የጅምላ ቁሳቁስ ቦርሳዎች ነው, በመጓጓዣ ውስጥ ትልቅ ሚና አለው. Due to the special production process Container bag, የቁሳቁስን ክብደት በሚሸከሙበት ጊዜ ግልጽ የሆነ መስፈርት አለው, ስለዚህ ቁሳቁሶችን በሚይዝበት ጊዜ ተስማሚ መያዣ ቦርሳ መምረጥ አለበት.

In the transport of goods, the enterprise for Container bag load requirements is constantly improving, from 1 ton to 1.5 tons, from 1.5 tons to 2 tons……This Container bag design, production technology put forward higher requirements. Sometimes maybe just a small detail will bring great changes and improvements. As in the Container bag sewing process, the sides of the double-positive and negative superimposed sewing, so you can effectively prevent the Container bag suture problems.

Container bag sewing related to product quality and safe use has a very important role, and therefore should be noted. Stay tuned for more information.