Why is Anti-static container bag popular?
If you often use the container, then you will find the container is also constantly introducing new products, as far as we know, there is a product called Anti-static container bag, now popular.
If you often use the container, then you will find the container is also constantly introducing new products, as far as we know, there is a product called Anti-static container bag, now popular.
FIBC bags are often used everywhere in our lives. Many industries use FIBC bags to transport things. Although the container price is not high, because of improper use and other issues, sometimes still damage occurs. How do you deal with the damaged container? Throw away too wasteful, in fact, as long as the appropriate sewing, FIBC bags can still…
Container bag is also known as ton bag, is a bulk material bags, has an important role in transportation. Due to the special production process Container bag, when carrying the weight of the material has a clear requirement, so when containing materials should be selected corresponding Container bag.
FIBC bags appearance detection method is one of the important ways to determine the quality, but many users in tons of bags manufacturers to buy the time and do not know how to view, here with us together to learn more about it!
FIBC bags are different from ordinary plastic bags because his load is much larger than the ordinary packaging, so the stitching of various parts is also critical, rather than as simple as a normal plastic bag heat fit.
There are many types of ton bag, in the use of nature will have some distinction; whether it is on the material or unloading, will be distinguished. Today we take a look at the method of FIBC bags discharge.
Kompania Departamenti i Tregtisë Ndërkombëtare priti ngrohtësisht klientët e saj. Vizita e klientëve, në një dorë, është kryerja e vizitave dhe vizitave në kompaninë tonë, ne anen tjeter, është të flasim për të dy palët për të arritur një bashkëpunim të thellë të produktit "liner alumini"..
The export of tons of bags, gjenerali duhet së pari të kuptojë madhësinë e enës, çfarë lloj kabineti mund të mbajë shumë tonelata çanta, Unë besoj se shumë klientët e kompanive të tregtisë së jashtme të përdorin të tyren çfarë tone çanta, sa madhësi nuk është shumë e kuptueshme, the following by wanhengfeng tons of Bags Factory to provide…
Aktualisht kërkesat për paketimin e ushqimit janë përmirësuar, for some high-temperature food packaging must use aluminum foil bags, thasë me letër alumini e ushqimit ka
Jeta përveç çantave të jetës dhe çanta industriale, dhe kur është fjala për paketimin industrial do të përmendet qesja e kontejnerit, Llojet e qeseve të kontejnerëve ka shumë kontejnerë të ndryshëm për mallra të ndryshme. Për të rritur të kuptuarit tuaj për kontejnerin, por edhe për të zgjeruar më tej fushën e zbatimit të kontejnerit, kontejneri do të drejtohet në…
The following is a brief introduction: most of the existing container bag using synthetic fiber material (such as polypropylene or polyethylene fiber material) as the container bag fabric. With this fabric bag, its firmness, flexibility, and price are very appropriate. But the biggest drawback is that this kind of fabric friction can produce static charge, use it to make…
Classification of Aluminum Liners bags:
Food Aluminum Liners bags, medicinal Aluminum Liners bags, military Aluminum Liners bags, electronic Aluminum Liners bags, health care products Aluminum Liners bags, intermediates Aluminum liners bags, vitamin Aluminum Liners bags, API Aluminum Liners bags, adhesive Aluminum Liners bags, particle Aluminum Liners bags, powder Aluminum Liners bags, powder Aluminum Liners bags, powder aluminum Liners bags,…
Parku Industrial Hexi, Qyteti Weizhou, Qarku Jingxing, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Kina 050300