UV-የሚቋቋም የጃምቦ ቦርሳዎች የምርት ማስታወሻ

ዩቪ-ተከላካይ የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች


ዩቪ-ተከላካይ የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች ,የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች ንድፍ መርሆዎች, የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች መርሆዎች እንደ ሸቀጦቹ ብዛት በዲዛይን ውስጥ የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች ዲዛይን,በእቃዎቹ ጥግግት በጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ተመጣጣኝ መጠን ላይ ሊሰላ ይችላል, የእቃ መያዢያ ቦርሳዎች የኬሚካላዊ መያዣ ከረጢቶች አንዱ ናቸው. የተነደፈው በኬሚካላዊ ጥሬ ዕቃዎች እራሳቸው የማሸጊያ እቃዎች ባህሪያት ነው, ዱቄት የሚያፈስ ማረጋገጫ ይፈልጋል, በአጠቃላይ እንዲሁም የእቃውን እቃዎች ትክክለኛነት ለማረጋገጥ, ደህንነት, as well as in line with the provisions of the corresponding national packaging materials.Tons of bags, also known as flexible container bags,tons of bags, space bags, etc., custom tons of bags tons of bags container bags, English translation of a variety, FIBC, is a kind of container unit appliances.

Tons of bag manufacturers in the production of the need to pay attention to a lot of matters, first of all to stand in the consumer’s point of view to consider, below we will introduce in detail.

The safety of tons of bags is the first thing to consider.In the design to consider the packaging volume,the weight of the load and the number of packaging units, but also consider the distance of transport and how many times of handling, what means of transport and transport methods.The practicality of tons of bags, to fully consider the specific ways and methods of customers to use tons of bags, Shandong tons of bags, such as lifting, transportation, loading material performance.Tons of bags of sealing, consumers for tons of bags of sealing performance requirements are different, so we should fully take into account.Such as powder or toxic substances, afraid of contaminated items on the sealing performance requirements are very strict, prone to moisture or mildew materials on air tightness also have special requirements.

Ton bags are mainly used in bulk,granular or powdery items, the physical density and degree of loosening of the contents of the use of different effects.

The performance of the ton bag should be as close as possible to the customer to load the product to do the test, which is the standard written in the“Test special standard filler”, as far as possible to make the technical standards to meet the challenges of the market economy.

What role can ዩቪ-ተከላካይ የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች play?

1, container bag manufacturers packaging restrictions are very large.Powder and granular products can be packaged in container bags.

2, improve the loading and unloading power.It has a large capacity, loading and unloading is very fast, more than ten times more efficient than conventional paper bag packaging line.

3, can effectively maintain the product.Container bag data is rain-proof, impermeable function, after filling in the Outdoor can also be moisture-proof.

4, take up less space.Empty bags can be folded,small size, round tons of bags tons of bags, full bag capacity.

5, long life, ዩቪ-ተከላካይ የጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች tons of bags,can be used repeatedly.Ton bags are made from high-strength data, durable, and can be accepted and reused.