How the print quality on ton bags is controlled

ton bags

In everyday life how do we control the printing of space bags, also called Container bag, ton bag?
The colors of ton bags should match real, natural and colorful. The index should include two aspects; one is the field density tolerance of different sheets of the same product, Cyan (C) magenta (م) less than or equal to 0.15 أسود (BK) less than 0.20, yellow (Y) less than 0.10 ;
Appearance is the first thing, the layout must be clean, no obvious dirt; secondly, the color should be basically the same; that is the text, it should be complete, clear, accurate; and finally the size requirements. Fine product size tolerance is less than 0.5 مم, the general product size tolerance is less than 1.0 مم.
Of course, the printing quality of the Container bag depends on the following factors
أولاً, personnel issues: personnel issues mainly reflect the sense of responsibility and technical proficiency of employees.
ثانية, the equipment process: the production of tons of container bags equipment aging, drying and send the bag technology will lead to a variety of problems such as adhesion container bag production process.
Third, the quality of raw materials: including ink quality, mixing uniformity, bag quality or offset printing problems and other raw material issues will lead to printing problems.

Of course, the printing quality of the Container bag depends on the following factors
أولاً, personnel issues: personnel issues mainly reflect the sense of responsibility and technical proficiency of employees.
ثانية, the equipment process: the production of tons of container bags equipment aging, drying and send the bag technology will lead to a variety of problems such as adhesion container bag production process.
Third, the quality of raw materials: including ink quality, mixing uniformity, bag quality or offset printing problems and other raw material issues will lead to printing problems.