In late November 2019, foreign trade experts from New Zealand will consult with 1 ቶን የጅምላ ቦርሳዎች, and after sincere communication from the Foreign Trade Department, the production will be determined at the end of the year.
ከፋብሪካ ዲዛይን እና ምርት በኋላ, the products are shipped to New Zealand in early December.
We are willing to grow with New Zealand companies.
Our FIBC bulk bags have been proven to outperform bulk bags. The customer quickly determined the order, and now the factory is in a tight state of production.
We are also happy to have quality customers.
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of a fibc bag
እባክዎን የእኛን ወዳጃዊ ያነጋግሩ, ለበለጠ መረጃ እውቀት ያላቸው የሽያጭ ተወካዮች. Please provide us with information about 1-ton የጅምላ ቦርሳ እና በብዙ መንገዶች, ንግድዎን ሊጠቅም ይችላል.